coolsculpting Pre And Post Care Instructions

coolsculpting Pre-Care Instructions

  • Wear firm fitted clothing to your CoolSculpting® appointment.
  • Come properly hydrated before your treatment session
  • Ensure that the skin in the area(s) to be treated is clean and free from any cuts, wounds, or lesions
  • Remove all jewelry or piercings from the area(s) to be treated
  • Notify your provider if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. 
  • Be aware photos and weight to be taken prior to the first session for the sake of pre- and post-treatment comparisons


  • It may take anywhere between 35 minutes to a few hours depending on the number and size of the area(s) to be treated.
  • No topical anesthetic or pain medication is required.
  • As treatment begins, vacuum pressure (which most of the CoolSculpting® applicators utilize) draws in fatty tissue into the applicator cup. You may feel sensations of deep pulling, tugging, or pinching, as well as some stinging, tingling, aching, or cramping.
  • These sensations typically subside as the area becomes numb and treatment continues – and once they do, most patients find the rest of the session quite tolerable.

COOLSCULPTING Post-Care Instructions

  • It is common for the treated area(s) to feel bloated or swollen in the first few weeks after treatment.
  • A temporary dullness in sensation could occur for several weeks and will resolve without intervention
  • At some point in the first two weeks after a treatment session, you may experience deep itching, tingling, numbness or tenderness to the touch, pain in the treated area(s), strong cramping, diarrhea, muscle spasms, aching, and/or soreness. Please contact our office if such symptoms persist or worsen after two weeks.
  • As the body breaks down and flushes the treated fat cells, a gradual reduction in the thickness of the fat layer in the treated area(s) will take place. You may start to see to see changes as early as three weeks after your last CoolSculpting® treatment session, with full results becoming apparent after one to four months. Your body will continue to process and flush out the dead fat cells for about four months after your last session.
  • Schedule a follow-up appointment around 6weeks and again after 3 months after each treatment session to review your results and determine whether you require further treatments to achieve the best possible fat reduction.

  • After your treatment package is complete and you have achieved results you are happy with, it is important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen so that your body’s remaining fat cells do not become larger. 

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