TEMPLE Filler Pre And Post Care Instructions

Temple Filler Pre-Care Instructions

  • Treatments should be scheduled at least 2 weeks in advance of special events or vacations.
  • Do not receive lip filler if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages 24 hours before or after your treatment to avoid extra bruising.
  • Inform your provider if you have a history of Perioral Herpes to receive advice on antiviral therapy prior to treatment.
  • Please consult with your primary care provider prior before discontinuing the use of the following 1 week prior to your treatment:
    • Aspirin
    • Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil)
    • Naproxen (Aleve)
    • Platelet Inhibitors
    • Anticoagulants
    • Any form of Fish Oil
    • Vitamin E
    • Vitamin A
    • Ginkgo Biloba
    • Any Other Herbal or Homeopathic Remedies that may Contribute to Bleeding 

Temple Filler Post-Care Instructions

  • Avoid significant movement or message of the treated area unless instructed by the provider.
  • Avoid the use of straws, cigarettes, vaping or any puckering movements for 2 weeks.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours.
  • Avoid extensive sun or heat for 72 hours.
  • Avoid consuming excess amounts of alcohol or salts to avoid excessive swelling.
  • If you have swelling, you may apply a cool compress for 15 minutes each hour.
  • Use Tylenol (acetaminophen) for discomfort.
  • Try to sleep face up and slightly elevated if you experience swelling.
  • Take Arnica (typically found in health food stores) to help the bruising and swelling. Begin taking at least two days prior to injections.
  • Wait a minimum of 2 weeks before skincare or laser treatments.

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